Delivery Period. The successful bidder / contractor will require to sign an agreement with the Buyer within 30 days from the date of written intimation to this effect. Supply order / Job order will be issued against the said work. Please note that Contract can be cancelled unilaterally by the Buyer in case contracted items/services are not received within the contracted delivery period.
Delivery Period. The “Delivery Period” shall commence on the Commercial Operation Date and shall continue until midnight on the date that is [number to be inserted] years after the Commercial Operation Date.
Delivery Period. 6.1 The delivery period begins as soon as the Agreement has been entered into and all official formalities have been ob- tained or fulfilled, as the case may be. The delivery period shall be deemed to have been observed if the delivery has been made or the Purchaser has been notified that the deliverable is ready for shipment. Partial deliveries are permitted.
6.2 The delivery period shall be extended for a reasonable time: - if Siemens does not receive in a timely manner the infor- mation it requires in order to fulfil the Agreement, or if the Purchaser subsequently requests changes or additions; - if impediments arise that Siemens is unable to avert de- spite exercising due care, regardless of whether these im- pediments occur at the facility of Siemens, the Purchaser, or a third party. Such impediments include, by way of ex- ample: export and import restrictions, boycott orders of na- tional or supranational organisations, or official acts or omissions; labour conflicts and other disruptions of opera- tions not attributable to Siemens, epidemics, natural phe- nomena, hacker attacks, and terrorist activities. Should such impediments occur, Siemens shall inform the Pur- chaser promptly and keep it apprised of the extent and background of the impediments. - if the Purchaser or third parties engaged by it default on performing the work to be executed by them or on fulfilling their contractual duties, or if the Purchaser fails to comply with the payment terms.
6.3 In case of delays demonstrably caused by Siemens, the Pur- chaser has the right to claim compensation for losses resulting from default, provided the Purchaser can prove that it has in- curred a loss. If the Purchaser receives a substitute delivery in a timely manner, the aforementioned claim shall not apply.
6.4 As of the end of the second week, the compensation shall be no more than 0.5% for every full week of delay, but in total no more than 5%, calculated on the contractual price of the de- layed portion of the deliverable.
6.5 Once the compensation for losses resulting from default has reached the maximum, the Purchaser may grant Siemens a reasonable grace period in writing. If Siemens fails to comply with this period for reasons attributable to Siemens, the Pur- chaser has the right to decline acceptance of the late portion of the deliverable. If partial acceptance is financially unreasona- ble for the Purchaser, the Purchaser has the right to withdraw from the Agreement and to reclaim any pr...
Delivery Period. The delivery period consists of three sub-periods as specified in clauses 5.1-5.3: the increment period, the plateau period and the reduction period.
Delivery Period. The “Delivery Period” for the Product to be generated by the Facility and sold by Seller to Buyer shall be for all hours starting at 12:00:01 AM EPT on the Commercial Operation Date through the end of the Term, unless this Agreement is terminated earlier pursuant to its terms and conditions.
Delivery Period. 5.1 Unless otherwise stated in Seller’s quotation, all periods stated for delivery or completion run from the Effective Date and are to be treated as estimates only not involving any contractual obligations.
5.2 If Seller is delayed in or prevented from performing any of its obligations under the Contract due to the acts or omissions of Buyer or its agents (including but not limited to failure to provide specifications and/or fully dimensioned working drawings and/or such other information as Seller reasonably requires to proceed expeditiously with its obligations under the Contract), the delivery/completion period and the Contract Price shall both be adjusted accordingly.
5.3 If delivery is delayed due to any act or omission of Buyer, or if having been notified that the Goods are ready for dispatch, Buyer fails to take delivery or provide adequate shipping instructions, Seller shall be entitled to place the Goods into a suitable store at Buyers expense. Upon placing the Goods into the store, delivery shall be deemed to be complete, risk in the Goods shall pass to Buyer and Buyer shall pay Seller accordingly.
Delivery Period. Reseller to provide delivery no longer than ten (10) business days after receipt of a valid order unless conditions arise that are outside the control of the Reseller. If delivery cannot be within this time frame, Reseller is to notify Purchasing Entity of delay and anticipated Contract No: ADSPO16-130651 Description: Software Value-Added Reseller (SVAR) Services ship date. If this delayed delivery is unacceptable to Purchasing Entity, the order can be cancelled without penalty.
Delivery Period. Starting on [for a completed Facility: [Date]] [for a Facility under development: the Commercial Operation Date], Seller shall Schedule all of the Facility Output to PGE at the Delivery Point and shall continue such deliveries for the remainder of the Term (the “Delivery Period”).
Delivery Period. 7.1 The delivery period begins after issuance of the order confirmation and when all contractual, technical, and official formalities, such as import, export, transit, and payment permits have been obtained or fulfilled, as the case may be, and the delivery item has been determined. The delivery period shall be deemed to have been observed if the deliverable has been delivered or assembled or installed, as the case may be, at the agreed place by the expiry of this period and if the acceptance can be conducted immediately. Partial deliveries are permitted.
7.2 The delivery period shall be extended for a reasonable time: - if Yunex does not receive in a timely manner the information and materials it requires in order to fulfil the Agreement, or if Customer subsequently requests changes or additions; - if impediments arise that Xxxxx is unable to avert despite exercising due care, regardless of whether these impediments occur at the facility of Yunex, Customer, or a third party. Such impediments include, for example: export and import restrictions, boycott orders of national or supranational organisations, or official acts or omissions; labour conflicts and other disruptions of operations not attributable to Yunex, epidemics, natural phenomena, hacker attacks, and terrorist activities. Should such impediments occur, Yunex shall inform Customer promptly and keep it apprised of the extent and background of the impediments. - if Customer or third parties engaged by it default on performing work or on fulfilling their contractual duties, or if Customer fails to comply with the payment terms. - If Customer has not put the necessary preconditions in place for Yunex’s remote access or if they fail temporarily or entirely; - If the remote access is misused or if risks to the system in question are present.
7.3 In case of delays demonstrably caused by Yunex, Customer has the right to claim compensation for losses resulting from default, provided Customer can prove that it has incurred a loss as a result. If Customer receives a substitute delivery in a timely manner, the aforementioned claim shall not apply.
7.4 As of the end of the second week, the compensation for losses resulting from default shall be no more than 0.5% for every full week of delay, but in total no more than 5%, calculated on the contractual price of the delayed portion of the deliverable.
7.5 Once the compensation for losses resulting from default has reached the maximum, Customer may grant Yunex a ...