Carried to Collection Sample Clauses

Carried to Collection. Bill No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Item Item Item R
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Carried to Collection. Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Xxxx No. 1 Preliminaries IDC Renovations Provisional Bills of Quantities Item Item Item R
Carried to Collection. Bill No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Item Item R 1/1/13 1/1/14 Notice board The contractor shall erect in a position approved by the principal agent, maintain and remove on practical completion a notice board recommended by the South African Institute of Architects and as approved by the principal agent listing the names and logos of the employer, the contractor and the professional consultants. No subcontractor or supplier notice boards may be erected unless permission is granted by the principal agent for such notice boards to be erected [12.2.18] Statutory and other notices The contractor shall submit and/or comply with all statutory and other notices that may be required by any local or other authority in order not to cause any delay to the commencement of the works by the contractor. The contractor shall pay all deposits or fees in this regard It is, however, specifically recorded that the employer shall be responsible for the timeous approval of building plans by any local or other authorities and the payment of any fees or charges related thereto Clause 12.1.1 is amended by replacing it with the following: No clause Clause 12.2.2 is amended by replacing it with the following: No clause F:............................. V:............................ T:............................ Clause 13.0 - Setting out F:............................. V:............................ T:............................ Clause 14.0 - Nominated subcontractors Clause 14.1.5 is amended by replacing it with the following: No clause Carried to Collection Bill No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Item Item R 1/1/15 1/1/16 1/1/17 1/1/18 1/1/19 1/1/20 1/1/21 F:............................. V:............................ T:............................ Clause 15.0 - Selected subcontractors F:............................. V:............................ T:............................ Clause 16.0 - Direct contractors Not Applicable F:............................. V:............................ T:............................ Clause 17.0 - Contract instructions Site instructions Instructions issued on site are to be recorded in a site instruction book (triplicate book) which is to be supplied and maintained on site by the contractor. F:............................. V:............................ T:............................
Carried to Collection. Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES AND GENERAL Xxxx Xx. 1 PRELIMINARIES & GENERAL Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item R
Carried to Collection. Bill No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Item Item R 1/1/81 The contractor shall: 1. Comply with the health and safety specification for the works 2. Prepare and agree with the health and safety consultant the health and safety plan for the works 3. Cooperate with the health and safety consultant in all respects 4. Manage the compliance of all subcontractors with the regulations and with the health and safety plan and specification 5. Conform to the conditions contained in the employer's health and safety specification 6. Appoint a suitably qualified person to ensure health & safety regulations are met F:.......................... V:..................... T:......................... Broad based black economic empowerment (BBBEE) Tenders submitted will be evaluated taking into account their empowerment rating The employer will be monitoring the broad based black economic empowerment (BBBEE) status of the contractor throughout the execution of the works The contractor is to submit to the principal agent on an annual basis a schedule of spend, split into vendors engaged as subcontractors and suppliers indicating their BBBEE rating including proof of the said rating F:........................ V:.........................T:.........................
Carried to Collection. Xxxx No. 1 Preliminaries Item Item Item Item Item R
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Carried to Collection. Bill No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Item Item Item Item Item Item Item R 1/1/39 1/1/40 1/1/41 1/1/42 1/1/43 1/1/44 1/1/45 Previous work and adjoining properties (B3) Clause 3.1 - Previous work - dimensional accuracy Not Applicable F:............................. V:............................ T:............................ Clause 3.2 - Previous work - defects Not Applicable F:............................. V:............................ T:............................ Clause 3.3 - Inspection of adjoining properties Neighbouring properties. F:............................. V:............................ T:............................
Carried to Collection. Bill No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Item Item Item R SUMMARY OF CATEGORIES Category : Fixed R........................................ Category : Value R........................................ Category : Time R........................................
Carried to Collection. PRELIMINARIES AND GENERAL ITEMS PRELIMINARIES AND GENERAL ITEMS Prepared Nkonki & Associates (Z) Ltd. Registered Quantity Surveyors Unit Quantity Rate K Amount K Amount Item No Unit Quantity Rate SECTION "B" SPECIFIC PRELIMINARIES (Applicable to the whole of the Work) Note: A rate shall be entered in the amount column for each item. Items which are included should have the word "included" written in the appropriate column. All items not priced shall be deemed to be included elsewhere in the unit rates and no claim in this regard shall be entertained FIXED CHARGE AND VALUE RELATED ITEMS A Contractual requirements SUM Comprehensive breakdown of any cost claimed under this item needs to be provided with the tender Establishment of Facilities on the Site Facilities for Engineer B Furnished offices (in No 2) SUM C Telephone SUM D 2370 x 2640mm Name boards - refer to drawing (In No. 2) SUM Facilities for Contractor E Offices and storage sheds SUM F Workshops SUM G Laboratories SUM H Living accommodation SUM J Ablution and latrine facilities SUM K Tools and equipment SUM L Water supplies, electric power and communications SUM M Dealing with water SUM N Dealing with Pollution SUM Carried to Collection PRELIMINARIES AND GENERAL ITEMS PRELIMINARIES AND GENERAL ITEMS Prepared Nkonki & Associates (Z) Ltd. Registered Quantity Surveyors Item No Access to the site Unit Quantity Rate SUM B Plant, including cranage, scaffolding, etc SUM C Other fixed charge obligations SUM D Provision of As-built drawings SUM E Removal of site establishment Health and Safety SUM F Quality Assurance Plan to be handed over to engineer for approval prior to site handover (QC/QA) Item G Preparation of Health and Safety Plan Item H Health and Safety Training Item J Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment Item K Risk assessment at commencement of project Item L Fences, Signs and Barricades Item M Establishment of Safety Administration Item N Other Health and Safety Fixed-charged Obligations TIME RELATED ITEMS Item P Contractual requirements (Calculated over contract period) Operation and Maintenance of Facilities on Site, for Duration of Construction, (unless otherwise stated) Facilities for Engineer SUM Q Furnished offices (In No 2) SUM R Telephone SUM S 2370 x 2640mm Name boards - refer to attached sketch. (In No.
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