Examples of Contract Agreement in a sentence
The Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Procuring Entity and the Supplier and supersedes all communications, negotiations and agreements (whether written or oral) of parties with respect thereto made prior to the date of Contract Agreement; except those stated under GCC Sub Clause 7.1(i).
Tender Forms & Contract Forms 21 Tender Submission Letter (Form BR – 1) 22 Price Schedule for Goods & related services (Form BR-2) 21 Specifications Submission and Compliance Sheet (Form BR-3) 24 Notification of Award (Form BR - 4) 26 Contract Agreement (Form BR - 5) 27 Contract Amendment (Form BR- 6) 28 Acceptance Certificate (Form BR- 7) 29 Section 6.
At the same time as the Procuring Entity issues the NOA, the Procuring Entity shall send the draft Contract Agreement and all documents forming the Contract to the successful Tenderer(s).
Contract Signing 38.1 At the same time as the Procuring Entity issues the NOA, the Procuring Entity shall send the draft Contract Agreement and all documents forming the Contract to the successful Tenderer(s) and, within twenty eight (28) days of the issuance of NOA, the successful Tenderer(s) and the Procuring Entity shall sign the contract.
PG3 – 1 Tender Submission Letter PG3 – 2 Tenderer Information Sheet PG3 –4A Price Schedule for Goods PG3 –4B Price Schedule for Related Services PG3 – 5 Specifications Submission and Compliance Sheet PG3 – 7 Bank Guarantee for Tender Security Contract Forms PG3 – 9 Notification of Award PG3–109 Contract Agreement PG3 – 11 Bank Guarantee for Performance Security Forms PG3-1 to PG3-8 comprises part of the Tender and should be completed as stated in ITT Clause 21.
The following documents forming the Contract shall be in the following order of precedence, namely : (a) the signed Form of Contract Agreement; (b) the Notification of Award (c) The completed Tender (d) Conditions of Contract; (e) Technical Specifications; (f) Price Schedules and Schedule of Requirements and; (g) other document, if any 3.
The Supplier shall supply all the Goods and related services as per call-off order specified in the Scope of Supply as stated under GCC Clause 8 and the Delivery and Completion schedule, as stated under GCC Clauses 21 and 23in conformity with the provisions of the Contract Agreement.