Humira Noorestani

Humira Noorestani


Humira Noorestani is an international corporate and commercial attorney and although she recently moved back to Northern Virginia, she has significant experience in the Middle East and Central Asia. Humira has received awards for her work related to social justice and women’s rights including, a Congressional Recognition. Humira is a graduate of American University’s School of International Service, the University of Pennsylvania School of Law and The College of William and Mary.

Expertise: Corporate Law

Location: Fairfax, VA

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Posts by Humira Noorestani

A General Counsel in the Middle East and Elsewhere

I filed a claim against a large company for not paying for the custom work my client had completed for them. Although there isn’t a one-size-fits-all description for this position, the General Counsel of a GCC company can expect to wear multiple hats as the owners of the company can tend to hold a very diversified investment portfolio.