Taka definition

Taka means the currency of the Borrower;
Taka means the lawful currency of the Government of Peoples' Republic of Bangladesh.
Taka or “Tk.” means the lawful currency of Bangladesh;

Examples of Taka in a sentence

  • Notification of Awards for Contracts of Taka 10(ten) million and above shall be notified by the Purchaser to the Central Procurement Technical Unit within 7(seven) days of issuance of the NOA for publication in their website, and that notice shall be kept posted for not less than a month pursuant to Rule 37 of the Public Procurement Rules, 2008.

  • For evaluation and comparison purpose, TEC shall convert all Tender prices expressed in the amounts in various currencies into an amount in Bangladeshi Taka currency, using the selling exchange rates established by the Bangladesh Bank, on the date of Tender opening.

  • Rates shall be quoted and, subsequent payments under this Contract shall be made in Taka currency.

  • A non-resident Bangladeshi shall apply either directly by enclosing a foreign demand draft drawn on a bank payable at Dhaka, or through a nominee by paying out of foreign currency deposit account maintained in Bangladesh or in Taka, supported by foreign currency encashment certificate issued by the concerned bank, for the value of securities applied for through crossed bank cheque marking “Account Payee only”.

  • Taka działalność handlowa może powodować konflikt pomiędzy posiadaczami Papierów Wartościowych ETP a interesami, xxxxx Upoważnieni Uczestnicy i ich odpowiednie podmioty stowarzyszone mogą mieć na swoich rachunkach własnych, w ramach ułatwiania transakcji, w tym transakcji na opcjach i innych instrumentach pochodnych, dla swoich klientów oraz na rachunkach pozostających pod ich zarządem.

More Definitions of Taka

Taka means the currency of the Recipient; and
Taka means the currency of the Borrower; and
Taka or “Tk” means the currency of the Borrower.
Taka or Tk” means the currency of the Borrower;
Taka means the unit of currency of Bangladesh.
Taka means lawful currency of Bangladesh;
Taka means the local currency of the Borrower.