Examples of Sustainable use in a sentence
Sustainable use of dam resources shall be explored for renewable energy generation and income generation activities.
Detailed performance standards are a matter for suppliers, but should address at least the following: • Sustainable use of natural resources ACTED suppliers will sustain the use of renewable natural resources and will conserve non-renewable resources through efficient use and careful planning.
Do no significant harm (‘DNSH’) (2) Climate change adaptationThe activity complies with the criteria set out in Appendix A to this Annex.(3) Sustainable use and protection of water and marine resourcesThe activity complies with the criteria set out in Appendix B to this Annex.(4) Transition to a circular economyN/A(5) Pollution prevention and controlThe activity complies with the criteria set out in Appendix C to this Annex.
According to the Taxonomy Regulation, an economic activity shall qualify as environmentally sustainable where that economic activity contributes substantially to one or more of the six environmental objectives defined by the Taxonomy Regulation (Climate change mitigation; Climate change adaptation; Sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources; Transition to a circular economy; Pollution prevention and control; Protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems).
Do no significant harm (‘DNSH’) (2) Climate change adaptationThe activity complies with the criteria set out in Appendix A to this Annex.(3) Sustainable use and protection of water and marine resourcesThe activity complies with the criteria set out in Appendix B to this Annex.