Examples of NYSE Rule in a sentence
Suitability Trading in the Shares of a Fund on NYSE Arca, NYSE, NYSE American and NYSE National will be subject to the provisions of NYSE Arca Rule 9.2E(a)-(b), NYSE Rule 2111 - Suitability, NYSE American Rule 2111 - Equities and NYSE National Rule 11.2111 - Suitability, respectively, and other applicable suitability rules.
If exchanges indicate that trading, although delayed, will open for a given day, S&P will begin index calculation when the exchanges open.Market Disruption Intraday:(i) If exchanges indicate that trading will not resume for a given day, the index level will be calculated using prices determined by the exchanges based on NYSE Rule 123C.
Equity Research Analysts employed by the companies jointly referred as Credicorp Capital, are not registered/ qualified as research analysts under FINRA/NYSE rules, are not registered representatives of Credicorp Capital, LLC and may not be subject to NASD Rule 2711 and NYSE Rule 472 restrictions on communications with covered companies, public appearances, and trading securities held by a research analyst account.
Rule 1102(f) notwithstanding, in the event that a market-wide trading halt occurs in the US equity market ( See, e.g., NYSE Rule 7.12) trading in the B5 Contract shall halt.
Rule 1101(f) notwithstanding, in the event that a market-wide trading halt occurs in the US equity market ( See, e.g., NYSE Rule 7.12) trading in the LB5Contract shall halt.
If exchanges indicate that trading, although delayed, will open for a given day, S&P will begin index calculation when the exchanges open.Market Disruption Intraday:(i) If exchanges indicate that trading will not resume for a given day, the S&P 500® Index level will be calculated using prices determined by the exchanges based on NYSE Rule 123C.
Such research analyst may not be associated persons of the U.S. registered broker- dealer, Marco Polo and therefore, may not be subject to NASD rule 2711 and NYSE Rule 472 restrictions on communication with a subject company, public appearances and trading securities held by a research analyst account.
Unless otherwise indicated in the instruction above, please transfer all assets in my account to Pershing without penalties, such assets may be transferred within the time frames required by NYSE Rule 412 or similar rule of the NASD or other designated examining authority.
If exchanges indicate that trading, although delayed, will open for a given day, S&P will begin index calculation when the exchanges open.S-39Market Disruption Intraday:(i) If exchanges indicate that trading will not resume for a given day, the S&P 500® Index level will be calculated using prices determined by the exchanges based on NYSE Rule 123C.
If no voting instructions are given, your broker or nominee has discretionary authority to vote your shares on your behalf on routine matters as determined in accordance with NYSE Rule 452 by The New York Stock Exchange.