Continuous Services definition

Continuous Services means access to the Data Set and does not include Ad Hoc Services or bespoke market research services provided by Oracle.
Continuous Services means service under an unbroken contract of employment and includes:
Continuous Services means bespoke continuous or tracking market research and/or consultancy services and which are not Ad-hoc or Syndicated Services provided by the Company.

Examples of Continuous Services in a sentence

  • For Continuous Services, the invoice shall itemize in reasonable detail all charges.

More Definitions of Continuous Services

Continuous Services means the SaaS Services (Software as a Service) developed and provided by Arena Interactive and offered through data networks. The Continuous Services are included in the Assignment and are further described in the Purchase Agreement or in Arena Interactive’s offer or price list. The Services exploit Arena Interactive Platform Services which are developed separately from the Assignment.
Continuous Services shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 1.5b)(i). “Contract” shall mean any contract (written or oral), undertaking, commitment, arrangement, plan or other legally binding agreement or understanding.
Continuous Services will mean a period of employment with the Terrace Fire Department which is uninterrupted except by an approved absence.
Continuous Services means bespoke continuous or tracking market research services which are not Ad-hoc or Syndicated Service(s) provided by the Company.
Continuous Services means long-term assignments to meet on-going needs of the Bank, as defined in Article 2.2.
Continuous Services means Services provided by Supplier to Buyer under the Agreement with the exception of Result Services, Resource Services and Software-as-a-Service. Support, maintenance, mail and repair services constitute examples of Continuous Services. “Contractual Date of Delivery” shall mean the date agreed between the Parties when, at the latest, the Deliverables shall have been accepted or approved, as applicable, by Buyer. Contractual Date of Delivery shall be agreed by the Parties in the Agreement. If the Deliverables comprise delivery of a Service other than Result Services, the Contractual Date of Delivery shall be the date when Supplier starts providing the Service(s). “Cure Period” shall mean the period of time defined in the Agreement, starting from Supplier’s receipt of Buyer’s Notice of Non- Compliance, within which Supplier shall remedy any non-compliance identified in an Acceptance Test or during a Warranty Period, as the case may be. “Customized Software” shall mean customer- specific software representing a new functionality or feature, including documentation which has been produced by Supplier under the Agreement. “Deliverable(s)” shall mean all separate deliverables specified in the Purchase Order including any Documentation. “Delivery Site” shall mean the delivery address of the Goods as specified by Buyer in the Agreement or a Purchase Order. Pirkėjo duomenys – tai duomenys ar kita informacija, kurią Pirkėjas ar kitas Pirkėjo vardu veikiantis asmuo pateikia Tiekėjui, ir Pirkėjo atliekamo tokių duomenų tvarkymo rezultatas. Pirkėjų duomenys gali būti apsaugoti galiojančiais įstatymais, kaip antai verslo paslapčių, autorių teisių ar intelektinės nuosavybės įstatymais bei sutartimis. Konsultantas – tai paties Tiekėjo darbuotojai bei Tiekėjo subrangovai ar kiti konsultantai, kuriuos Tiekėjas pasitelkė teikti Užsakomo rezultato paslaugas arba Žmogiškųjų išteklių paslaugas. Važtaraštis – tai Tiekėjo parengta ir pristačius Prekes pateikta specifikacija. Tęstinės paslaugos – tai Paslaugos, kurias Tiekėjas pagal Susitarimą teikia Pirkėjui, išskyrus Užsakomo rezultato paslaugas, Žmogiškųjų išteklių paslaugas ir Programinės įrangos kaip paslauga paslaugas. Tęstinės paslaugoms gali būti priskiriamos paramos, techninės priežiūros, pašto ir remonto paslaugos. Sutarta pristatymo data – xxx Xxxxx sutarta data dėl to, kada vėliausiai Pirkėjas bus atitinkamai priėmęs arba patvirtinęs Objektus. Dėl Sutartos pristatymo datos Šalys susitaria Susitarime. Jei Objektai ap...
Continuous Services means Services provided by Supplier to Buyer under the Agreement with the exception of Result Services, Resource Services or Software-as-a-Service. Support, maintenance, mail and repair services constitute examples of Continuous Services.