Examples of Adaptive Management Program in a sentence
Prepared for the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program, Bureau of Reclamation.
Support DWR and Reclamation in implementing adaptive management changes; and oversee the Adaptive Management Program.
The broad purposes ofthe Adaptive Management Program are to: 1) promote collaborative science, 2) guide (by identifying, prioritizing, and funding) the development and implementation ofscientific investigations and monitoring for both permit compliance and adaptive management, 3) apply new information and insights to management decisions and actions, and recommend changes in the Action to DWR and Reclamation, and 4) establish a long-term, funded science infrastructure,..
As ofthis time, the Adaptive Management Program is not intended to apply to real-time operations.
The Wildlife Agencies will have review and approval authority over certain aspects of implementation, such as Reserve System land acquisitions, restoration project designs, Reserve Management Plans, and substantial changes in the Monitoring and Adaptive Management Program.
Implementation ofthe Adaptive Management Program will support the SWP/CVP operations by helping to address scientific uncertainty where it exists, and as it relates to the benefits and impacts ofthe construction and operations ofthe Conveyance Facilities and existing CVP and SWP Delta facilities.
DWR or Reclamation will retain the IICG Manager to assist with implementation ofthe Adaptive Management Program.
The Adaptive Management Program described here and in the Adaptive Management Framework (Exhibit C) is being implemented to enhance application ofscience to support decision making related to the operations ofthe CVP and SWP and to advance the co- equal goals ofthe Delta Reform Act of 2009, providing a more reliable water supply for California and protecting, restoring and enhancing the Delta ecosystem.
Southern Paiute Consortium 2007 Southern Paiute Monitoring Protocols and Expansion of Tribal Participation in the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program.
Within one year of the Effective Date, and in consultation with the AMT, SCVWD will develop and thereafter implement an Adaptive Management Program.